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JAX-RS @FormParam example

In JAX-RS, you can use @FormParam annotation to bind HTML form parameters value to a Java method. The following example show you how to do it :

1. HTML Form

See a simple HTML form with “post” method.

	<h1>JAX-RS @FormQuery Testing</h1>

	<form action="rest/user/add" method="post">
			Name : <input type="text" name="name" />
			Age : <input type="text" name="age" />
		<input type="submit" value="Add User" />


2. @FormParam Example

Example to use @FormParam to get above HTML form parameter values.


public class UserService {

	public Response addUser(
		@FormParam("name") String name,
		@FormParam("age") int age) {

		return Response.status(200)
			.entity("addUser is called, name : " + name + ", age : " + age)



3. Demo

Access HTML Page. URL : http://localhost:8080/RESTfulExample/UserForm.html

demo html page

When “add user” button is clicked, it will redirect to URL : http://localhost:8080/RESTfulExample/rest/user/add

demo jax-rs result

and display the following output :

addUser is called, name : mkyong 123, age : 12

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  1. JAX-RS @FormParam JavaDoc

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Anil Kumar
4 years ago


How can I call this rest-end point using HTTPClient or RestTemplate.
Any reference.


2 years ago

How can I do this, with an File Upload? Is there a way without extra Dependencies?

Prasad N.N.
7 years ago

Hi when I am running this example in my eclipse env,
In my firefox browser I am getting a message like
HTTP Status 415 – Unsupported Media Type
type Status report
message Unsupported Media Type
description The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.

What else should I do get this problem solved

Prasad N.N.
7 years ago
Reply to  Prasad N.N.

I found a solution to this problem
Here the code works with jboss server, but I was using the tomcat server so I did the change as below
public Response addUser(……)

8 years ago


There is version issue In rest-easy pom.xml file please use below dependency.with the previous version i didn’t get any response when i hit the ADD User Button i was getting this exception RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource. When i change the rest-easy pom file version it’s resolved




Alexandre De Oliveira Pereira
8 years ago

Thank you Mkyong. Four years old and still helps =)

Deepak Mishra
9 years ago

Mkyong nice tutorial but I am not able to deploy it. I am using jetty in my eclipse to run it. I can access the form this way http://localhost:8080/UserForm.html and it is throwing error Could not find resource for relative : /user/add of full path: http://localhost:8080/rest/user/add

9 years ago

Hi MK Yong,
Your all tutorials are great, simple and always helpful for me, but against this tutorial I have little question, can we pass object parameter to @FormParam() ? if yes then how? please guide and suggest any helpful material.

When i pass any object like this:
User user = new User();
Form form = new Form();
signupForm.add(“user”, user);
Client client = Client.create();
WebResource service = client.resource(getBaseURI());
ClientResponse response = service.path(“somePath”).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
.post(ClientResponse.class, form);

It throws an exception,
org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected character (‘u’ (code 117)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘null’)
at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@10ede48; line: 1, column: 2]

Kindly get me out of it, i will be grateful.


10 years ago

So nice and simple. easy to learn examples. It was so helpful.

Thanks and Good work.

Hamman Samuel
11 years ago

This tutorial was very useful to me, thank you! You have a good website with simple, clean code, I will most likely be here again 🙂 Cheers

Ram Prasad
11 years ago

i am new for writing test cases for RESTFul web services. I liked ur example very much and i want to know how to write testcases for your example. I will be thankful if you provide the solution.

11 years ago

Your site comes up a lot in my google searches and you are always helpful. While reading this post I had an idea.

What if you could generate your forms from the annotation data? With an ant script you could easily work that into the build. That would ensure that your html never gets out of sync with the backend.

Is there such a thing? It would basically be like xdocs but reading the annotations.

Anyway, keep up the good work! your time and effort are greatly appreciated! 🙂


Murugan K
8 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

public Response addUser(
@FormParam(“id”) int id,
@FormParam(“name”) String name,
@FormParam(“price”) float price) {
String output=”Product added successfuly! Id: “+id+” Name: ” + name+” Price: “+price;
//return Response.ok(” Product added successfuly! Id: “+id+” Name: ” + name+” Price: “+price)
return Response.status(200).entity(output).build();

this is my code data cannot return .anybody can help me

11 years ago

Thank you for your continued contribution.

12 years ago


cool example.
using @FormParam as part of a web service makes your web service bound to the web client ie. Html form. But a web service should be accessible form multiple clients eg. java console client, web client…etc u got me? so how can i read input parameters to the add() method, but not necessarily from the Html form on the web?


9 years ago
Reply to  Abiti

We can use JAX-RS form class in our standalone java application as

Form form = new Form();

Entity entity = Entity.form(form);

Response response = target.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(entity);

Find the link for complete example

5 years ago

Hello , i think it’s more approprier to return an 201 then a 200 http response for a Post

CREATED when a resource is successfully created using POST or PUT request. Returns link to the newly created resource using the location header.” and thanks for the contribution