Spring MVC PropertiesMethodNameResolver example

PropertiesMethodNameResolver, a flexible MultiActionController method name resolver, to define the mapping between the URL and method name explicitly. See following example :

1. MultiActionController

A MultiActionController example.

package com.mkyong.common.controller;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction.MultiActionController;

public class CustomerController extends MultiActionController{
	public ModelAndView add(HttpServletRequest request,
		HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
		return new ModelAndView("CustomerPage", "msg","add() method");
	public ModelAndView delete(HttpServletRequest request,
		HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
		return new ModelAndView("CustomerPage", "msg","delete() method");
	public ModelAndView update(HttpServletRequest request,
		HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
		return new ModelAndView("CustomerPage", "msg","update() method");
	public ModelAndView list(HttpServletRequest request,
		HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
		return new ModelAndView("CustomerPage", "msg","list() method");

2. PropertiesMethodNameResolver

With PropertiesMethodNameResolver, you can map whatever URL name to corresponds method name easily :

<beans ...>

  class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.support.ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping" />
 <bean class="com.mkyong.common.controller.CustomerController">
   <property name="methodNameResolver">
    <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction.PropertiesMethodNameResolver">
      <property name="mappings">
	   <prop key="/customer/a.htm">add</prop>
	   <prop key="/customer/b.htm">update</prop>
	   <prop key="/customer/c.htm">delete</prop>
	   <prop key="/customer/d.htm">list</prop>
	   <prop key="/customer/whatever.htm">add</prop>


Now, the URL will map to the method name in the following pattern :

  1. /customer/a.htm –> add() method
  2. /customer/b.htm –> update() method
  3. /customer/c.htm –> delete() method
  4. /customer/d.htm –> list() method
  5. /customer/whatever.htm –> add() method
By default, MultiActionController is used the InternalPathMethodNameResolver to map URL to the corresponds method name.

Download Source Code


  1. PropertiesMethodNameResolver Javadoc
  2. Spring MVC MultiActionController example

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Founder of Mkyong.com, love Java and open source stuff. Follow him on Twitter. If you like my tutorials, consider make a donation to these charities.


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6 years ago

I am try to remove response object from public ModelAndView add(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
if I removed response object my application doesn’t work. how can I make response object optional , since I am not using response object, sonarQube keeps complaining


Laxminarayan Rajput
11 years ago

Hello MKYong,

First of all, I like your website very much.
I am new to Spring MVC and Security. I have two JSF based application which I need to make Spring security enabled. We want to login using Role based model. There are two role we have for these two applications. Example
WebApp1 and WebApp2. their roles are App1 and App2.

If user is login using App1 then he should be able to login to WebApp1 and If user is login using App2 role then he should be able to login WebApp2.

Can you please help me to provide such Spring Security details so I can enable the same in my applications?

Thanks in advance for your help!!!