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404 error code is not working in Spring MVC


In Spring MVC application, the 404 error code is configured properly. See the following web.xml snippet.

File : web.xml

<web-app ...>




However, when user access any non-exist resources, it will display a blank page instead of the 404.htm.


The 404 error code is configured properly, but it will caused the “.htm” extension handling conflict between the “servlet container” and Spring’s “DispatcherServlet“. To solve it, try change the 404.htm to other file extension, for example 404.jsp.

File : web.xml

<web-app ...>




Now, when user access any non-exist resources, it will forward to the 404.jsp page now.

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Jean Pierre
9 years ago

Tks, it’s work for me.

Rishabh Bhardwaj
9 years ago

it still doesnt work in my case when i change it to .jsp. I am trying to redirect it to my index page. index.jsp. not working :

Rajnish Katiyar
8 years ago

Worked (y) !