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MongoDB – How to remove a field from document

This MongoDB article shows you how to remove a field from document and array.

1. Remove a field from Documents

Sample of document, and you want to remove the field “affLink”.

      "_id" : 1,
      "domain" : "",
      "affLink" : "abc"

To remove a field from all documents, set {multi: true}, else only the field of the first matched document will be removed.

db.domain.update({},{$unset: {affLink:1}},{multi: true});


      "_id" : 1,
      "domain" : ""

2. Remove a field from Array

Prior to MongoDB 2.6, there is still no official function to remove a field from the array. To fix it, you need to write a script :

   _id: 1,
   name: "mkyong",
   addresses: [
	  street: "99 The Rock Street",
	  city: "Boston",
	  state: "MA",
	  zip: "66666"
	  street: "88 WWF Street",
	  city: "Boston",
	  state: "MA",
	  zip: "77777"

Loop over the documents and remove field “state” from the array one by one.

 db.person.find({}).forEach(function(doc) {

	var address = doc.addresses;
	for(var i = 0; i < address.length; ++i) { 
		var x = address[i];
		delete (x["state"]);



   _id: 1,
   name: "mkyong",
   addresses: [
	  street: "99 The Rock Street",
	  city: "Boston",
	  zip: "66666"
	  street: "88 WWF Street",
	  city: "Boston",
	  zip: "77777"


  1. MongoDB : $unset
  2. MongoDB : Modify documents
  3. MongoDB : Query document, Array

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Samarpit Arya
7 years ago

Hello Mkyong,
As “_id” field is immutable. There is any concept for removing “_id” field from a specific collection. I want a collection without having id field. Please guide me if there is solution._