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No more mvn eclipse:eclipse, what’s next?

The Apache Maven Eclipse Plugin is retired, no more following commands

# support eclipse ide 
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse

# web project
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0

What is the equivalent in Eclipse IDE?

1. Solution

Please use Eclipse Maven Integration (m2e). Latest Eclipse IDE has bundled the m2e plugin :

2. How to use m2e?

The key is imports Java project or web project as Existing Maven Projects, let m2e plugin fully manage your project.

2.1. First, delete the old Eclipse files or settings manually, for examples, .classpath .project .settings and also the Maven target folder.

2.2. In Eclipse IDE, File -> Import… -> Existing Maven Projects . The m2e plugin will analyze your pom.xml, configures project and generate those Eclipse files automatically, no need mvn eclipse:eclipse

2.3. If this is a web project, Web Deployment Assembly will be configured also. No more tedious mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0

2.4. Right clicks on the project, many Maven features are supported in Eclipse, via this m2e plugin.



  1. Eclipse Maven Integration
  2. Apache Maven Eclipse Plugin (RETIRED)
  3. Using Maven within the Eclipse IDE – Tutorial

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5 years ago

Thank you

Silla Shameer Guptha
3 years ago

I’m getting “path must include project and resource” name error while importing the project.

5 years ago
